Scripture as the Sole, Absolute, Fully Sufficient and Final Rule of Faith and Practice.
Salvation from the Wrath of God for Our Sins by Grace through Faith Solely in the Person, Life, and Work of Christ. Security of the Believer – Once Saved, Always Saved. Soul Liberty or Competency. Separate and Equal Priesthood of All Believers. Single Kind of Church Recognized – Local and Visible. Saved and Scripturally Baptized Church Membership. Situating of Two Church Offices Pastor (Bishop/Elder) and Deacon. Sustaining of Only Two Ordinances as Given by Christ – Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Self-Supporting, Governing, and Propagating Church. Sending Forth of Missionaries from Church to Nations of the World to Evangelize and Start Churches. Separation of Church and State. |
Some groups other than Baptist churches may hold to some of the above distinctions. Some Baptists may not be as identified with JJS/NBBS - 6.10 these as others. By “historic” is meant, there have always been churches, since the days of Christ, who have held to these doctrines.
Expanded 1.18 For example, the 1925 SBC statement of faith cited the church as being local, in 1963 they added a universal church affirmation.